Your Dental Crown Has Broken: 5 Immediate Steps You Should Take

What To Do If Dental Crown Breaks

Dental crowns are a common solution for repairing damaged teeth, improving cosmetic appearance, or covering implants. However, like all dental restorations, crowns are not invincible and can break or come loose over time. If you find yourself with a broken dental crown, it’s important to know how to handle the situation properly to avoid further damage or discomfort. Here are five immediate steps you should take if your dental crown breaks.

Step 1: Don’t Panic and Assess the Situation

First and foremost, try to stay calm. A broken crown can be distressing, especially if it causes pain or significant discomfort, but panicking will only escalate your anxiety. Carefully remove any pieces of the crown that may come loose in your mouth to prevent swallowing or choking on them. If the crown is still partially attached, leave it in place and avoid touching or probing it.

Step 2: Evaluate the Damage

Once you’re calm, try to assess the extent of the damage. Determine whether the crown is cracked, completely detached, or if a piece of it has broken off. Check the underlying tooth as well; if it’s sensitive or painful, this could indicate that the tooth itself might be damaged or exposed. Understanding the nature of the break will help your dentist in determining the best course of action for repair.

Step 3: Contact Your Dentist Immediately

After assessing the situation, contact your dentist as soon as possible. Most dental offices offer emergency contact numbers or instructions for after-hours situations. Explain the situation in detail, including any pain or discomfort you are experiencing. Your dentist will advise you on immediate steps to take and schedule an appointment to repair the crown. If your regular dentist isn’t available, consider seeking help from an emergency dental service.

Step 4: Manage Pain and Sensitivity

While waiting for your dental appointment, you may need to manage pain or sensitivity. Over-the-counter pain relievers such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen can help alleviate discomfort. If the broken crown or exposed tooth is causing sensitivity to temperature or air, try using a dental wax to cover the area temporarily. This can act as a protective barrier and reduce irritation. Avoid eating hard, sticky, or chewy foods that can exacerbate the issue.

Step 5: Practice Good Oral Hygiene

Maintain good oral hygiene to prevent any further complications. Be gentle around the damaged area when brushing your teeth. It might be wise to switch to a soft-bristled toothbrush if you’re experiencing sensitivity. Additionally, avoid rinsing vigorously with mouthwash or water. Instead, use a saltwater rinse to soothe the area and keep it clean, which can also reduce the risk of infection.

What Happens Next?

When you visit your dentist, they will examine the broken crown and the underlying tooth to assess the best treatment option. This might involve re-cementing the existing crown back into place if the damage is minimal. However, if the crown or tooth is extensively damaged, your dentist might need to prepare a new crown. They will take an impression of your tooth to ensure the new crown matches the shape and color of your surrounding teeth for a natural look.

Your dentist might also discuss why the crown broke in the first place. Common reasons include trauma to the mouth, decay under the crown weakening it, or issues with the initial placement. Understanding the cause can help prevent future occurrences.


While a broken dental crown can be an inconvenience, it’s a manageable situation with the right steps and prompt attention from a dental professional. By acting quickly and following these five steps, you can ensure the best possible outcome for your dental health. Remember, the key to handling dental emergencies effectively is preparedness and quick action. So, keep your dentist’s contact information handy, and don’t hesitate to reach out if you face any issues with your dental crowns.

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